If you are Alliance, and I am Horde, and we run across each other on an RP-PvP server...
If we are about the same level, or if you are a higher level, I will fight you.
If you are blatantly attacking a fellow Hordie or a horde NPC or town, I will fight you. (About ten minutes prior to this I went and took care of a level 50 night elf hunter who was harassing Crossroads.)
If you make rude gestures at me or are otherwise acting annoying I'll probably fight you.
But if I am level ?? to you, and you are all alone, and you are being polite... I will hug you. And then mount up and continue on my way.

Because you never know when you might run across someone who just might be a real bone-fide roleplayer, and those are scarce, even on roleplaying realms.
I like to think I had a really neat little in-character moment today. And those are some of my favorite moments in WoW.
I am a geek, and a carebear, and I like it that way.
Carebears 4 teh win! I think every PvP server should have a "Clan of the Carebears" guild ;)
...still humming the hunter song.
question about farming on rp servers...what if your on a deadline to farm motes for resistance gear, and when you get there you see players from the the other side do you go into a RP mode and do your /hi /dance /lick...or do you kill them so that u can farm faster and get your motes faster?
fueled [should really make a gmail account]
@ Fueled - I've never tried to farm for motes before on a PvP server so I can't tell you what would happen, I imagine a gigantic bloodbath would probably break out though...
...and we like you that way, too!
Gasp. are you using out of character information to determine your actions in character?! :O You do not attack someone gray to you because you know their level but would attack someone the same level because of it? AHH The fourth wall cries for you. =o(
Sadly on my PvP server, my alt is only level 10 so I have yet to get into the PvPness but it's not a PvP-RP. I want to level on one of those, prolly as an orc hunter. The extra damage, the stuns, and the sexy orc ladies..
I typically follow the rule of thumb that if you don't bother me I won't bother you. If you do come after me I will make it my personal goal of the day to take you down at least once.
I won't attack anymore who I'd be a ?? to unless they decide they want to attack me and even if they do I might laugh and walk away.
I play an Orc Hunter on Venture Co as well, and I can't stand the kind of folks who go out of their way to execute players 7-10 levels lower than them. There's no honor in that. I refuse to fight anyone more than 2 levels lower than me, and managed to take down a lock who was 8 levels higher than me. How is ganking any fun at all? It's like going to Redridge and one-shotting pigs all day when you're lvl 70. Is that really fun?
Ugh. Gankers.
-Lilt and Pilt on venture co.
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